What Is The Use Of Pretty Face Scale?


There are many people who often use different websites on the internet that tell them about the beauty scale of their faces. There are many websites available on the internet that ranks the beauty of people using different factors however, it is not shocking that the website is very cruel as it judges the faces of the people and tells them whether their face is beautiful or not. 

Many people often use websites like pretty face scale as a fun activity but, it often demotivates people when they see that the result is not favorable. 

But, if you ask me I don’t think that the website gives accurate results as the criteria on which the website judges the faces of people is never clear on the website. The website was launched back in 2011 and tells people whether they are beautiful or not. The different factors that are used by the website are not very clear and you will see that the website only uses a selfie or picture to give results which can never be accurate because of the lighting in the picture or the angle of the picture that you have chosen. 

We hope that you do not subject yourself to this cruel website. 

You can also read: Prettyscale app